After learning about Shakespeare's language, write a trochee poem relating to Earth Day!

For this activity, we had to pick an issue or celebration related to Earth Day because we were going to share them with the class on Earth Day. Before picking our topic, we learned more about the Shakespearean language in Macbeth, things like iambic pentameters, blank verse, rhyming couplets, prose, and trochees. A trochee is an accented syllable followed by an unaccented one. An example of this is the famous quote, "double double toil and trouble." We were going to use a series of trochees to write our poem. The topic my partner (Rainah) and I chose to write our trochee poem about was global warming. This is because global warming causes elevated sea levels. Since we live on an island, eventually Hawaii will be underwater.
GLO-bal WAR-ming HURTS our PLA-net,
BURN-ing FOS-sil FUELS cre-ATES smoke
THAT makes THE cli-MATE much WARM-er
AND then MELTS the PO-lar ICE caps,
THIS en-DAN-gers AN-i-MALS and
PUTS is-LANDS like HA-waii AT risk,
WE must USE re-NEW-a-BLE sources
SO that GEN-er-A-tions AF-ter
CAN live LIFE with SER-e-NI-ty