Comment on your perception of what it means to be a man in Macbeth versus in our world today!

What does it mean to be a man in the world of Macbeth versus in our world today?
To be a man in the world of Macbeth means that you are tough and show no emotion. They must be brave and fight for their kingdom with courage. I feel men in the world of Macbeth are judged based on how their ability to follow through on certain tasks/how they show their feelings. For example, Lady Macbeth questioned Macbeth’s manliness when he became indecisive about killing King Duncan. This shows in order to be a man in that world, bravery and commitment is a requirement. On the other hand, being a man in our world today is more about being able show their emotions. This is very different than the world of Macbeth, because in modern times, I feel it is more acceptable and appreciated for men to not conform to the same spcietal expectations of then. Instead of having to be big and strong, I feel it manlier now to be that in a different way. For example, you could be mentally strong. Yes, some people still believe manliness roots from appearences, but there is more people who believe it stems from the heart.
Do you agree with how modern media portrays men or the expectations of men?
I somewhat agree with how modernmedia portrays men or the expectations of men because it shows multiple perspectives. Instead of showing just the physical expectations, it touches more on their personal beliefs and personality. Now, manliness is about taking those characteristics from ancient times and looking at them in a different light. I feel modern media tries to show courage and strength in different ways, but is still partly focused on what a man looks like and then being able to fight against someone else and win. Society is changing, so directors need to take a better look at what those changes are and execute those changes in the media.
In your personal opinion, what does “being manly” mean to you?
In my personal opinion, “being manly” means that a man understands what his values and beliefs are. I think now more than ever, people are focused on who they are. I feel a man who knows who he is and what he believes in is manly because it shows how mentally strong he is. When a man uses his beliefs and values to create a difference in the community/shows how passionate he is about something, it shows the bravery and strength expected of men in Macbeth times.